Online Music Composition & Production Classes

Interested in Musical Composition & Production?

The Shine School of Music in Johannesburg offers Online Music Composition & Production classes with a qualified and experienced Online Music Composition & Production teacher. The school provides quality Online Music Composition & Production training for students of all ages and all levels from the comfort of your home.

Intensive Online Music Composition & Production Courses and Extensive Online Music Composition & Production Courses available online.

At the Shine School of Music the syllabus is hand-crafted based on each student’s needs, depending on the student’s level, age and the chosen style. Each student is an individual with distinct musical needs and preferences and and we recognise student’s individuality in all aspects of teaching.

All Online Music Composition & Production Classes are private (one-on-one) and personalised within the syllabus of the chosen style to suit each individual student.

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Contact us to sign up for Online Music Composition & Production lessons