If you are a musician, and you have the space at home, it may be a fun project to design and create a home studio. Somewhere dedicated just to your music. A place that inspires you to practice and play. If you don’t have the space at home, perhaps some of these ideas can be applied to other parts of your home decoration! We all could use a little bit of music in our lives!
All Important Acoustics
Different textures covering the walls and ceiling of your home studio help to absorb and break up the sound waves, giving you a better auditory experience! Experiment with the acoustics! Go all out with these grass walls from Design Milk.
You could even get yourself your own custom Vocal booth, or try your hand at building one yourself!
Or you can try different kinds of padding to achieve better sound and protect both your family and neighbours when you “rock out!” It doesn’t have to be ugly, check out this stylishly upholstered door.
And have a look at this useful setup, explaining where to place your acoustic boards to improve the sound in your studio. You can find acoustic foam boards at your local hardware stores like Leroy Merlin or even have them delivered on Amazon.
Setup Tricks
These drum machines and keyboards have been cleverly placed on an IKEA Stolmen Shelf. A good and inexpensive solution to storing and using your equipment.
You can even try your hand at some wood work and create a guitar or string instrument rack with a few pieces of wood.
Decorate with Music
Experiment with this DIY hack of bending and altering the shape of vintage vinyl records. The possibilities are endless! From Shelves to lamps. Just using boiling water or by placing the vinyl in the oven, bend the vinyl as desired!
Storage shelves for musical odds and ends, or even a book or magazine rack!
You could paint a music themed mural on the wall or put up music wallpaper or a vinyl decal like this one!
Or keep it classical with these framed music note sheets. Print out your favourite musical piece or song and decorate your home.
Or if you feel up to it, create a piece of furniture out of old instruments or like this light fixture, out of old drum sticks. Perhaps keep an eye out at vintage and second hand stores for old musical items you could repurpose. And now you know what to do if you accidentally break a stick as you are thrashing away your most complicated metal track!
Online learning, with live lessons, like those offered at Shine for many years, has recently grown in popularity due to the current world situation and the need to stay at home due to Covid-19. However this way of learning has great benefits, from the economic, to the flexibility and continuity of classes from anywhere in the world, even if you are not confined or sheltering in your home!
When we take classes from our homes it doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside or if traffic to get to our school is jam packed. Attending a class is as easy as switching on a button, sitting down with a cup of coffee or tea, and getting started with your teacher! Just sit back and enjoy a lesson from the comfort of home. Now there is no excuse for being lazy! And what a joy to laugh and smile with a familiar face while enjoying your favourite hobby!
The current disruptions of the Corona Virus don’t have to break your usual way of life, you can continue lessons unhindered with online classes. Being able to carry on with our normal routine means that our situation at home is more stable, which can help alleviate undue stress or anxiety. No complications, no hassle, just an internet connection, and you are ready to go, and this means that you can stay safe both physically and mentally!
Perhaps you are only discovering the benefits of online learning now, during the “shelter at home” movements, but Shine has been touting the benefits of online study for almost a decade. Ask any of our long-time online students; having the flexibility to continue lessons after a work transfer or move, mean that we can maintain our musical progress. A number of our students came to Barcelona to study an intensive course, and now continue their lessons from their homes, extending and advancing their studies. We continue to cultivate our teacher-student connection. No need to hunt for new teachers or lessons. Online lessons have just made our life easier!
Online classes can be more intensive and focused. Classes through platforms such as Skype, Zoom, among others, create a space of full attention. Without the distractions that may happen in a school environment, because of this students often see great and rapid advances in learning.
Distance means nothing! No matter what country in the world we live or where we move, we can continue taking classes with the teacher we like from anywhere. Classes are not only a source of knowledge for many students but also an enjoyable way to pass the time, and learning online means that you can continue with your hobby from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows a continuity that would not be possible in any other way. Many students take advantage of virtual classes so as not to lose any headway in their studies, when traveling for work or long vacations.
Further benefits to online study include better time management. Many people these days have busy schedules, filled with work requirements, or family life and extra-murals. We tend to rush about and often find little time to practice our instrument. With an online lesson, you don’t have to use your time to move from one place to another. Rather you can make time for practice or being well rested for your class. So much time and energy can be saved, and undoubtedly, the efficiency created by e-learning provides greater comfort and a better quality of life.
Economically speaking, money can be saved on transport, and perhaps these savings can be put towards buying a dreamt of instrument or indeed investing in further learning. Often online lessons are also cheaper for many people, as rates for classes are more competitive.
If you haven’t experienced music lessons online, now may be a good time to encourage yourself to try. Take advantage of the advances in technology to improve your quality of life, manage our own time, save money, and be able to continue with your favourite teacher from anywhere on the planet at any time of the year.
We invite you to try this wonderful experience of learning an instrument from the comfort of your home.
Music is a universal language. All of us listen to music from different parts of the world. Without a doubt, music unites us. Many studies confirm that it is valuable for women to play music for their babies while they are pregnant, as the first sensory organ with intrauterine development is the ear. Truly, sound is our first connection with the outside world.
As music grabs our attention, it captivates and stimulates our imagination. We also associate our memories, without realising, with music. Have you noticed how certain songs remind you of events in your past, or how a happy tune from a happy memory can influence your mood? Music reduces stress, anxiety, even physical pain, and is capable of improving moods. Scientists claim that there is a direct link between music and our cardiovascular health.
When we play an instrument we further expand on all the benefits music provides: we improve our cognitive and language skills, we understand and work with patience and we develop our gross and fine motor skills. Through music we are continually learning and exercising our brains.
Playing an instrument furthers this brain activity, it helps us to be more methodical, with the ability to plan tasks and focus. It is a means of expression, by which we connect not only with our feelings but also with an empathetic exterior that helps us to take risks, overcome fears, giving us security and self-confidence. It gives us the opportunity to work as a team, whether in an orchestra or in a group, thus improving our practice, discipline and our hearing.
Children experiment with sounds and noise all the time, shouting with joy and expressing themselves loudly just for fun. Perhaps they are not aware of certain melodies when they are younger, but as they grow older they begin to show more attraction and interest in music. It is important that we give them the space to experiment with music, without forcing them, when they begin to be more sensitive to music. This can be done from home, or with the guidance of experienced music teachers working with children.
Learning and studying music has untold benefits, not just for children but for adults too. Learning a new skill helps us to grow our potential, so why not have fun, learn, and channel your emotions through music.
It is a beautiful road that you will never want to leave!
Learn more about how our brains are affected by music here. And how you can keep your brain young! And discover more on the “Mozart effect”, where studying and learning music, has improved students skills in mathematics, and other subjects!
What could be better than creating your own band with instruments built at home?
Children love noise and creating sounds. Spent time together to create something new and fun. Be creative and learn at the same time!
Build instruments together with your family, start discovering different sounds and how to create them by playing on your new instruments! Now you can make your own songs just by using your imagination and creativity … Hey Presto! You have your own band!
1. Maracas made from old plastic Easter eggs:
Many of us keep plastic eggs from last Easter and don’t know what to do with them. Well here is the perfect way to reuse them! All you and your child should do is collect some seeds, stones or other similar elements that can generate sound (if you don’t have anything on hand you can use coins!). Put them inside the eggs. Tape them to keep them from opening. Decorate them with colored paper or paint. Get some tape to make sure the eggs don’t pop open as you shake them. You can even use the plastic “shells” from Kinder eggs. If you want to be fancy, tape plastic cutlery to the egg to make a handle.
2. Drums made from empty containers:
Search your home for containers ( anything from chips to cereal, even tupperware works), they will be your drums. Making them is very simple: you cover the container with paper and decorate the sides it as you like. Then you must make the skin of the drum. For that choose the material you want. You can experience different sounds depending on what you use: aluminum foil, cloth and plain paper. Wax paper that your mom uses for baking might work really well! Tape this paper over the top of your container. Two pencils can work as your drumsticks. Begin tapping the top of your container and see what sounds your drums make. You can even attach a string and hang your drum around your neck. Make a marching band, and march around you house to the beat of your drum!
3. Guitar made with a shoe box:
To make your own guitar you will only need a shoe box, glue and elastic bands. Cut a round hole in the lid of the shoe box. Glue the lid to the box so it won’t come off. When it dries, stretch the rubber bands across the box. Try it and find out what it sounds like! You can have fun painting and decorating your guitar.
thanks to https://www.parents.com/fun/arts-crafts/kid/craft-guitar/
4. Handmade Shakers / Shakers with pebbles or beans:
Use any cylindrical container: these can be tubes of potato chips, toilet or paper rolls, or empty soda cans. You’re going to need crayons, glue, paper, and dried beans (or any dried seeds, like rice or lentils). Cover the cylinder with the paper, decorate it with crayons as you like. Place the dried beans inside and seal both ends with paper, making sure it is well closed by gluing it on o using tape.Try shaking them! The different seeds on the inside make different sounds!
5. Harmonicas made with combs:
Search your house for hair combs (different colors if possible) and sheets of waxed paper. Fold the paper over the teeth of the comb, making it equal on each side. The side of the paper that has wax should be away from you. Now you can blow on the comb and play your homemade harmonica! The vibrations on the paper make the sound! Try adding some words or humming as you blow to change the sound!
6. Symbols made with kitchen pot lids:
To make these fun and noisy instruments, you must use two pot lids and a little ribbon or thread. You tie the ribbon around the handles of the lids and you will have the dishes ready to use. Use these instruments sparingly and with care! They work well as the final “BANG!” at the end of your song!
7. Mini Lid Banjo:
These little instruments are super easy to make. For each mini banjo you will need a wooden stick (an ice cream stick works well, otherwise cut a similar shape from cardboard), 4 rubber bands (small ones), adhesive tape and glue. Place the four mini elastic bands over the lid and secure it in place with a piece of tape. You can decorate the wooden stick with printed ribbon or paint it. You can use duct tape or industrial masking tape to secure the elastic bands and the “stick” to the lid. Decorate your Banjo handle. Start plucking! What sounds does your banjo make?
Thanks for the inspiration from https://www.thecrafttrain.com/mini-lid-banjos/
It’s awesome for little ones to build their own instruments and to experiment with sounds. These activities are great for developing imagination, creativity, as well as working important motor skills by playing and learning music. Building instruments and playing them is great fun for adults too! Take advantage of time at home to play and learn while making a fun music band! What’s the name of your band?