60th Shine Music School Concert

Posted on November 30th, 2015 by Milos Sajin

Shine Music School held their 60th student music concert on the 29th of November 2015 much to the enjoyment of all who attended. The concerts continue to foster a love of music within the community, where both our beginner and advanced students can showcase their preferred musical style, instrument and what they have learned in the past months. It is an opportunity for all our learners to play in front of an audience, something the school strongly advocates as a huge part of studying and appreciating music.


We were very pleased to welcome back the Prof and Zana Sajin after their stay in Spain. A fantastic time was had by all as we listened to students perform pieces on a variety of instruments, from violin to drums as well as singing! Thank you all for coming!


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Where to find Guitar Chords and Tabs online

Posted on April 7th, 2015 by shineuser

Many of us wish to play our favourite songs, but where can you find reliable chords and tabs for guitar online? With a little searching you can almost find everything you need and we are here to help. The following short list show some places you can look for the piece of music you want to try to master. Remember that the chords and tabs are not always the original, so you may have to improve on them yourself.

If you are a student of Shine School of Guitar, you can always work on a piece with your teacher. They have years of experience both writing original music and, you can be sure, hunting for tabs to practise for themselves!



OLGA The Online Guitar Archive– The original (and first) online resource for tablature. The website is no longer updated. This is an archive of the archive.
Songsterr – You have to have a subscription, but you can also access this on your mobile phone. Very handy!
Jellynote – A nicely designed website with over 150 000 songs available. If you sign up, there are also many excellent practise exercises available.
Chordie – plenty of chords, tabs with lyrics on this website. The pages are also easy to print for playing.
Beginner Guitar HQ – explains with images how to start playing chords.
Cifra Club – a Brazilian website, available in both Spanish and Portuguese, the website has many useful videos showing tabs while they are being played on guitar. You will find all kinds of Brazilian and Spanish music, as well as popular songs. The website also has downloads for your phone.

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